Winter seasonal ingredients.
Sawara(spanish Mackerel)
Writing Spanish mackerel in kanji contains the character called "Spring". It is totally character, such as the representative of the spring of fish, but in the long Japanese archipelago in the vertical will differ slightly in season depending on the region. From Hokkaido to Okinawa, it has been popular in many parts, but it is especially so for migratory prefer the sea of Seto Inland Sea. Therefore, Okayama and Hiroshima in such as Spanish mackerel are also as food everyday, is also used in various ways to or elaborate cuisine.
Is especially prized in Okayama, headlines the table until the early spring from the fall. However, I prefer a local foodie, until March from the most delicious made November.

Provision of information"Okayama Traditional Japanese cuisine restaurants association"
Including the Okayama sushi, grilled, but will be provided with cooked food, such as a wide range of cuisine, "After all, sashimi is the best" or. Cold winter of Spanish mackerel is as soggy riding fat, and sweet taste is felt strongly.
Among the Spanish mackerel cuisine in Japan, taste of Okayama unique Setouchi enjoy in sashimi. Because of the soft body, Nishikyou grilled and marinated in white miso, it is to grilled fish in the kasuzuke. Also home to prefer than mackerel sushi raw sushi that was occupied in the vinegar in Osaka many, it has been loved long as New Year dishes.
"West of the puffer fish, east of monkfish," as is said to be, monkfish is the representative of the delicious fish feel the arrival of winter. Angler of the real thrill is located in the part which is said to be "Seven Tools". Liver, Tomo (chicken wings, arms, pectoral fin), willow meat (only, cheek), tripe (water bag), cloth (ovary), Ella, is taste differently in each of seven sites of the skin there is, respectively you can enjoy in a cooking method. Especially in the skin and fins have been included many gelatinous, do not miss the effect of beautiful skin making for women.
Sashimi and liver suits, (Tomoae), pan, are various dishes such as fried chicken, there is no place to throw away the even monkfish Features. The fact that other than the lips eaten all, the Edo poem has been poems as "Angler is Nari remain just lips."

Provision of information"Okayama Traditional Japanese cuisine restaurants association"
Live from the tropics to the sea of the temperate zone, waiting for the bait hiding on the seabed, and predation. Japan are in the sea of the country, but especially "Hitachi thing" and Fukushima, Ibaraki, Miyagi Oki production of monkfish, which is said to have been a gem. Angler of the body is slippery, because it is soft and flabby, it does not put the knife on the chopping board. Then, through a hook in the lower jaw, unique method of cooking that desert hanging has been devised.
This is the "angler outright hanging of". Inflated put the water to stomach, we will judge from easily stripped the skin. Angler also seasoning the pot, there is a feature by the local. In Fukushima Prefecture, tailored to the pot with only the moisture out of the liver and the body "groove juice tailoring", etc. We easy to "liver soy sauce tailoring" has been favored.
Mukago(propagule nuts)
零余子, or wrote that 無果子 read as "Mukago". It is a small sweet potatoes, which was the earlier of the spherical little finger.
It is not in the food becomes a leading role, but has come to be used as the early winter of supporting role from the late autumn. It can be at the base of the vines and leaves of wild yam, which nutrients, such as starch is condensed. There is a gentle subtle flavor than potato of the body.
Conventionally used as seed tuber of yam, grown larger over from one to three years buried in the ground, it has been harvested as yam.

However, lovely also gathered attention in a way that felt the rustic, it has in recent years been a favorite as the name supporting role in the fall of cuisine.
Cooking method, rolled among the mortar take the hard parts of the skin, and steamed salt, Karame pale mouth soy sauce, mirin, sugar, in the land of the combined liquor, decorated stab in the pine needles. Or, to Motoage each skin is washed with water, also it is in it's bowl. Salt boiled to raise cook in addition to the US "Mukagogohan" also, has been favored there is a taste of this season unique.
Citrus that can enjoy the aroma is in Japan, there is also more than 40 kinds. The like to lead a refreshing fragrance is this Yuzu. From the skin of the slightest citron, it has elegant fragrance rose up.
Origen It was the Yangtze River upstream of China, are breeding from conveys to Japan, it seems the size and flavor was much changed. Although we citron aroma is used throughout the year in recent years, the harvest season is around from November to January. And hear the scent of citron, and feel the coming of winter. In addition to used a small amount as a mouthpiece and scented, and some boldly use cuisine, such as citron kettle (Yuzukama) and yuzu miso.

Bake soaking in the winter of seafood "Kasokean grilled" it is also one of them. Kaoru still of citron and cold, is a representative of the pottery. Tea masters Kitamura Yuan of Omi is said to have been invented cooking, but from the fact that use and the citron cut into round slices, place the character of citrus is also written as "Yuzuan grilled". In addition to take advantage of the fragrance raw, carefully sweet boil down Amikasa Citron added to the fire, such as the Imperial Palace citron cook, remove the flesh in one blue, has a slight bitterness also enjoy cooking been devised.
The citrus synephrine, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, has been found to contain many flavonoids. Since the effect of these components has been early known, it Will have been utilized as a material.
Put in the belly of the fish in the foreground, it is a flatfish that is with a eye on the right-hand side.
Flounder you caught in Japanese waters are said to be up to 40 different, but the the is the slippery sole slender thin and which is also the body is thin form. In particular, we call the slippery sole the "Wakasa Galei" to take in the Wakasa Bay. Since the form is elongated like a bamboo leaf, it is also referred to as "bamboo is Rei".
Background of Fukui Prefecture Wakasa became famous destination of this flatfish, because the warm and the cold current is crossed off the coast of Wakasa Bay, Toka I rarely flesh in two ocean currents become delicious.

Provision of information"Fkui Traditional Japanese cuisine restaurants association"
The most delicious way to eat Wakasa Galei is, is dried overnight. Shake the Lightly Salted, exposure to outside air skewered, but is how to make that, this alone taste is exceptional.
Port city night wind blowing in the Sea of Japan carries the cold dry air, makes dehydrated delicious flounder overnight. Fat is small, even you will feel elegant sweet and bland. This Wakasa Whangarei restaurant cuisine, which is the highest grade among the dried fish flounder is, the liquor baked with grated in two, citrus and a soup of vinegar to the dish with a swinging direction.
Such as Wakasa Bay production of flounder and tilefish (Wakasa fixture same), which is referred to as a "Wakasa thing", have been prized from the Middle Ages in the city of Kyoto. November to February is the season.
Namako(sea cucumber)
Sea cucumber has a strange shape, but it is fine sea creatures called echinoderms. Red sea cucumber is inhabited arrived, such as a rock, it is a different kind of a blue sea cucumber and black sea cucumber living in the sand. While the body is a very simple structure, raw in vinegar to the lower process, gut the delicacy of Konowata, ovaries you can eat delicious roasted with dried by Conoco (Kuchiko) next to the fire.
In other words, is this the grateful sea that systemic delicacy. Processing of sea cucumber is cut at both ends, remove the internal organs, wash put together with pebbles in a colander. This is to say that the "stone the first time", is a rare recipe to take out those hard of small bones like you are filled with the outside of the slime.

Provision of information"Fkui Traditional Japanese cuisine restaurants association"
The Once Wash next covered with leaves of the crop, to soften pouring hot water from above. This is also a unique cooking method. Mysterious recipe is born the mysterious ingredients. Conoco is shaped in a triangular plate, it is the sun.
Production volume decreases in recent years, has been favored by gourmets as a luxury delicacy. To use the Conoco in cooking, it is a luxury dish of Aomori unique locality. Sea cucumber is season is January from December, Conoco is March rise Dried exposed on the day of the slow northern spring is the season.
Shiitake recently, now also abroad of cooking recipes to appear under the name "SHIITAKE".
Needless to say, mushroom representing Japan. Is the most cultivated a large amount of mushrooms in Japan, the history of the cultivation has a long, can be traced back to the 1600s.
It is grown all over the country, but recently has been attracting attention shiitake of Fukui Prefecture. The reason is that by virtue of the nature blessed of Fukui, that the quality of the wood is good. Annual precipitation is rich, deciduous broad-leaved trees are easy to flourish, such as oak and oak, grow delicious shiitake firmly sucking the nutrients. Those planted the shiitake of bacteria in raw wood called "Hodaki", but between one and a half years placing the tree in the forest in Fukui of two years, will continue to grow still. Sometimes harsh natural conditions, it becomes strong and delicious shiitake creator carefully.
It has also been demonstrated that the mushrooms have the effect of increasing the immunity. By strongly the work of the cell, is the make-consuming hard body to disease, now take a spur to good mushroom cultivation and cooking quality.

Provision of information"Fkui Traditional Japanese cuisine restaurants association"
Have been cultivated throughout the year, but for a lot of frequency that appeared on the table is, what winter still a lot of pot dishes.
Negi(Green Onion)
Green onion is a vegetable of the lily family. Improvement of cultivation methods and varieties, in order to differentiate progress has been made, but is eaten all year round, season is the spring from the winter.
Aonegi a lot of green leaf part from summer to autumn, in a season of many white leek white stalk sheath is from winter to spring, green onion Kansai, white green onion is in high demand in the Kanto region. Both applications are the same. Origin is like a western China.
Has been cultivated since ancient times in China, it will be the oldest vegetables. The are many things to add green onion in Chinese cuisine, it is also considered because it is there from the old vegetables.

Provision of information"Noriyosi Kusumoto"
Also cultivated in Japan, old and from the twentieth century around, it says that was an important vegetable from the old days. In many vegetables demand from Hokkaido to Okinawa, and differentiation is a unique breed in various places, anniversary is being supplied.
Kind of green onion cherry green onion, Kaga, Senju, are divided into four groups of Kujo. Sakura green onion Hokuriku, has been utilized in private about as northeast of summer green onion. Kaga group Hokuriku, Tohoku, a thing of the cold region type distributed in Hokkaido of the snow zone.
In Senju group typical green onion in the Kanto region, is also said to Nebuka green onion, it is what grown soft long the white part of the underground by the earthing up to Kukisaya part. The blue part of the leaves are typically do not eat so hard, but it is of course delicious to eat and put in a pot.
Kujo group in the typical green onion in the Kansai region, also known as leaf green onion so to use the green leaf section. . Recently, now many demand of scallions. This is a Aonegi of Kyushu native species, it is useful for spice. Unlike scallions and Wakenegi, onion in leaf green onion which has been grown in the West since ancient times, is a hybrid of the onion. Wakenegi is a breed that has been cultivated in the vicinity of Chiba Prefecture Togane.
Welsh onion is used in condiments, but because it is a vegetable of the same lily family as garlic and onions, the aroma components are similar to them, sulfur-containing compounds belonging to the leek oil has been estimated to be subject. The sulfur-containing compounds, will be when it is heated with the sweet taste of strong mercaptan. Stew of green onion is indispensable, the aroma of the aroma and other volatile components of the sulfur-containing compound, and the sweet taste of mercaptan sulfur-containing compound has changed is heated, because becomes more delicious and goes to soup pot is.
Precisely because there is this sweet, porridge after the pot is to be eaten in good taste.
As to know the taste of leeks of material, boiled lightly soft a place at high temperatures, it is good for the vinegared bean paste tossed (Nuta). By treatment with high temperature, sweet looks better.
There is a word "goby is boiling." November, sight of gobies in the time of the season is completely covering the sea one side is the very expression "boil" is perfect. Edo people to cherish the taste was Mashi Ajii well the goby of Tokyo Bay from the old days.
Shun of goby is still to to wash or mortar building is the best. Wash is, down to three pieces, take the belly bone, drops to the ice water from the wash quickly with warm water. The source of plum Joyu, I want to enjoy the texture. The mortar building, or add the red wholesale in ponzu sauce, or, Hazedonburi What about. Lower into three pieces, dipped in soy sauce to put a pickpocket sesame, side-by-side on top of the warm rice, sprinkle the baked paste and trefoil.

Season of "goby weather" is that of the mid-time of a warm day in October. Goby of October around from equinox too is smaller bone is soft. Such as by tossed sea urchin and salmon roe, it is or compensate for the somewhat bland taste, eat in tempura delicious. From the small goby, you get elegant soup. Baked goby will be the most luxurious soup of the Kanto region of Zoni to use the "baked dry," it was in the dry wind. Goby of wind dried landscape, would be seasonal tradition of Chiba Urayasu this time.
December, the timing of goby of the relic is a delicious kanroni and Xijing grilled.
Osechi-ryori(new year dishes)
Habit of Osechi cuisine is relatively new, the Edo era prime white rice in a three-way referred to as "kuizumi = Hourai-kazari", Noshiawabi above, lobster, Kachiguri, kelp, Tokoro, cauda equina algae, Kushigaki, Mallotus , celebrated put Yuzuriha, orange, Tachibana and the like. In later years, become the cuisine of the cooked heavy justified, commonly first three days of a new year is that housewives were put cook in order to rest the hand of housework has been said that your section. Officially Shukusakana to one of the heavy five-tiered, the double of the groom to the heavy, the three of pottery to the heavy, heavy to simmered given, but will be packed, such as a dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar (vinegar) five heavy, generally to a two stage, the three-tiered will be used.

Chinese artichoke is the name that has changed. In the name of dish you rely on the auspicious character as "長老木" or "千代呂木," but, if a dictionary and he has character called "草石蚕" or "甘露子". "草石蚕" is derived from the fact that the tubers are similar to the silkworm. Also it is also said to be in the sense that the morning dew was able in the ground fallen sphere there is the origin of the "morning dew green onions" to the name, but the name also shape is also a unique plant in any event.
Chinese artichoke also together with Kwai, is indispensable to the New Year dishes of the New Year. When the Chinese artichoke in a heavy stuffed black bean peek crimson face, appropriate for the red and black of the assortment is really New Year, also has form is also similar to the bales like a rosary, it is pleased as auspicious.

Chinese artichoke is native perennial of the mint family has been to the southern China. To Japan in the plant was brought over from China, there is first recorded in the 1675 years (one thousand six hundred seventy-five). Stem height in square is is about fifty centimeters. And it will be in the fall, at the base of the leaf magenta flowers will bloom in spikes. Originally is suitable for the climate of Japan, resistant to even heat to cold, takes the hassle on agnostic soil, it had been cultivated in Japan in the mountains around. Taisho of the beginning until the time from the Meiji era, seems to have been planted in the corner of the field of most farmers.
Chinese artichoke is, dropped the soil wash well the recessed portion in the bamboo Sasara and rice bran, cut off both ends. Boil the water, soak in vinegar or vinegar. In addition, it may also be the seed of the compote or ,, egg custard boiled from the water. Tenfu also used to Luo, but it is not much good food honestly.
There is what the form of a little bit of humor inspire rustic familiarity. Once upon a time is so I used to side dish of the lunch box a plum vinegar pickled Chinese artichoke instead of pickled plum.
Fugu(Blow Fish)
Blowfish soup and sea bream are also ill-advised to (Basho wrote)
Yo monument Blowfish me to keep looking at the face
Timid night of food fu snow just green onions
Blowfish is a fish to eat in the winter. The beginning of the season's November around, but when I entered the following year in February is, fat also glue, will also be many umami component. Puffer fish that you are edible is also dozen or more, but the highest grade is the tiger puffer.

In the dead of winter, the Yellow Sea, also two days and nights near from South Korea, Jeju Island, the Western Regions of the fishing grounds, is "taking advantage of" the best take home importantly alive in the aquarium of the fishing boat. In particular tail fin white "live white" in the three-year is the most popular. "White body of the vessel is not conspicuous, look at the time of the sashimi, taste, texture is also good up to" the experts say.
Misedokoro of puffer fish cuisine is that the sashimi drawn to thin as paper shoji have been built to stand out of the pattern of the Dish. Flesh is hard immediately after down to tighten alive, and throw in Mana plate, only will shrink so of candy colors. It wrapped in dry bleached cotton, and is aged at about 20 four hours low temperature, unplugged water moderately from the body was harder, it turns the fat in whole at the same time.
And pattern of Dish will thin givin state as stand out. By further aging, increasing inosine acid, also is part of the protein that make up the body to increase the amount of amino acids extracted component by decomposition, it will increase the umami. In this way that determine the timing of aging is a technique that was born from the veteran cook of experience.
It should be noted, umami with a faint sweetness of the puffer fish, glycine present in the extract content in the body, lysine, a large place with a glutamate, which is said to feature of umami component of the puffer fish. To eat delicious sashimi of puffer fish, and ponzu using bitter orange, you need small green onion. Eat wrapped the "dimensions leek" two that cut short the small green onion in two sashimi you can eat without having to turn off the flavor of the puffer fish. When the sashimi on top of the dish put the chopsticks from the inside, you can eat without destroying the dished of sashimi.
Foodie that praise and unanimously "good" is the albino is the male testes. BC China's Spring and Autumn Period, was also referred to as the "west 施乳" is derived from the breast of beauty that the country of Xi Shi Yue. To as a plump as breast, it can be said that there is a popular friendly taste. Also bake it is albino, delicious even if the ingredients of the pot. The spread of the unique taste of when the albino gets into your mouth can not be expressed only as "exquisite". Porridge in the soup after eating the pot even in exceptional taste, body also warm. Only puffer fish, porridge Tsukuriageta in eluted extract plenty of soup from Ala, it can be said that the best feast of cold day.
Kanburi(winter yellowtail)
In the Noto region there is a custom to give a respectable yellowtail. That is what parents of the bride is, give as gifts to Totsugi destination. If small is the yellowtail "Gund daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law Fukuragi" because it hit the gossip and, yes from daughter cute, parents give a big yellowtail any time by the unreasonable. So, If you look at the city of live fish restaurant with a business referred to as the yellowtail to yellowtail of smallish, this will be the fact that "Gund shop, Fukuragi store".
Yellowtail has been known as a fish without a very useless whole use. Typical ones of yellowtail dish, sashimi, grilled, three of Kasujiru.

When it comes desert the yellowtail of about 14㎏, this is another very heavy lifting, has come from here for the yellowtail cuisine is said among other things that it is dynamic among the Japanese cuisine.
Of natural yellowtail sashimi is very stiffness is strong, cut will even feel like a precious metal and an acute angle. Not this appearance only, taste, both crunchy, in the farming thing and not even taste so Lovely Idol ratio is, This is what will be said that the real thrill of cold yellowtail. Grilled with salt, the fat is dripping, there is no comparable in any way with the Western cooking steak exactly. Also Kasujiru in the northern cuisine, is said to be on the delicious, overnight the body warms up if you eat this.
Taste of yellowtail is due to the component of the amino acids histidine. This will continue to be produced by an enzyme in the body over time. That amount less likely to bruise, to put in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap in the large fillet, three to four days is delicious intact taste.
Further, if the salt yellowtail and straw winding yellowtail, it will be preserved food. Just in the same way as Aramaki salmon in the Kanto, Kansai region these has become indispensable as the year-end and New Year food.
Duck since ancient times, the main thing has been counted as one of the hunting birds and animals "Hitachi countries (country of Hitachi) Topography" is the story of Japan Takeshi Sonmei (Mikoto of Yamatotakeru) there were a duck, also "Harima country in Topography "(country of Harima) is, in the tradition of the cliff County of place names, Emperor Ōjin there is talk that the Atsumono (Atsumono) and snatched a two ducks in Kazuya will be found.
Ancient people is like some kind of a duck was edible, but now become the man of prey is, mallard became the most. The reason is probably because mallard is much delicious compared to other duck. However, to say that the mallard to bite, the taste is not uniform.

Lifting of the ban on wild birds is from November fifteenth day until February the fifteenth day, but the fat is to become delicious riding the duck meat is from too much mid-December, which also becomes severe cold. Fat per well per ass from the armpits, fat plump, Daikamo, which is also about 1.5 kilometers is a thing of the top. If you judge the duck, and some are still crammed full of rice to the throat.
In the duck meat, it is the most delicious part of the "fired himself" (breast meat). Cut of "fired only" fresh and Daikamo was riding well of fat, is also good, whets the appetite contrast of bright red and white of the two layers. Because the duck does not also possible to walk around the land as much as chicken, leg is not well developed. Kubikotsu as seared, brings out the taste of the pots and WanSakari.
Not part wasted in whole, but an aside, once in itavastatin, with the fat of the remaining bone and ass of duck, seems to have been making a curry and rice that was chunky. It would say exactly what "side benefit".
Echizen-gani(echizen tanner Crab)
Rough Sea of Japan and the cloudy sky. Snow Country and unique black and white landscape, I think in many people remember as a set and red boiled up was Echizen crab.
Crab will be limited to the cold sea. Tropical crab, none but the color is a vivid Daiaji. And representatives of the cold country of crab is a crab Echizen. Echizen national designation of the crab is the snow crab. Snow crab Matsuba crab in the Sanin region, in the Niigata region is referred to as the king crab (which is different from those caught in Hokkaido), we are proud crab of his place, each with it most. It would be so.

Since crab that has been caught in local is is the most fresh. But, the Echizen crab just arrived in the harbor to the season of prime boiled in a kettle of furnishing to the market, if I ate the boiled fresh, person to challenge that bears the name of the king of snow crab in Echizen crab I think we do not have. Just do not be an exaggeration to say that the world's best of taste.
Well, I visited and I wonder in the local Kanazawa have tasted how delicious of this world, Kanazawa one of the best restaurant "Kinjo Lou" (the Imajo wax). First of all, touted these days, and desires to have been told to the delicious of the pronoun "crab sashimi", Tsuchiya's reply is bluntly of her husband, "I do not eat such a thing in the local area. Insects are be It might. " But I tried to try never the intent, but tastes like a jellyfish that soggy, there was no delicious little.
For local Kanazawa people, the best way of eating crab is "grilled crab". Grilled crab is a very luxurious cuisine. Because emit unpleasant odor when the baked ones that time has passed, if the crab is caught, because you can not get in the fragrant smell. According to Tsuchiya, the crab has a sweet taste, the taste of superiority or inferiority was that determined by the sweetness.
And It should not be forgotten that the shell liquor (Korashu). Pour the sake into the shell of the crab, subjected to fire, when your intuition, Tokeai and a crab extract and miso, as if bisque taste like if it had dropped the (shrimp of French cuisine, crab, of potage) to exquisite nectar it is born.
Well, after boiled, the crab that result in deterioration in seconds, to we get delicious far away from the production area, let's borrow the power of the "crab vinegar". However Third, in spite of vinegar one, kelp, salt, light soy sauce, sugar, then boil the addition of miso, finally strained put the bonito, the addition of ginger Once cooled finished. Compatibility with the body and the crab vinegar boiled crab is excellent. Echizen crab also has become one of the catches of sufficient Compared to ten years ago. When the whole ton salvage in the dragnet, a whopping 80 percent are female.
Sometimes you want to Yari to escape the female for resource protection, after all because I had been fried from 200m stuff deep sea, you can not anymore live Nagaraeru. Male of one-fifth female of magnitude, the price is about one eighth. It is referred to as a "barrel (barrel) crab", and mainly to satisfy the people of the tongue of land. Somehow turned on the distinction between male and female in the bottom of the sea, ... I think that can not be developed only as a possible landing technique male. Mr. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, by all means, please consider.